It has been awhile since we have updated! So much has happened in the last month. The boys just turned 9 months! They are crawling too quickly for our comfort, standing up while holding onto things, and walking with support. Clark has said his first word ("mama"), and both are babbling and laughing a ton. These champs are sleeping 7:30PM to 7:00AM (!). They both have 2 teeth each (bottom front teeth). They are up to 3 solid meals a day and down to 3 bottles a day. In addition to pureed fruits and vegetables, they have also tried cheerios, greek yogurt, and egg yolk. Additionally, they have been sick almost continuously since we got back from California which is fun. Current likes: Vtech walker, Elmo, food (especially puffs), standing up, strangers, rings, baby swings, gym class, whatever their brother is playing with, amoxicillin, being held upside down. Current dislikes: Getting their noses wiped, getting their toy stolen by their brother, diaper rash.
A little late but here are a couple of pictures from their 8 month photoshoot as well as a link to the full gallery.
Left - Clark, right - Oliver
Left - Oliver, right - Clark
Here are a couple of pictures from their 9 month photoshoot as well as a link to the full gallery.
Left - Oliver, right - Clark
Here is also a link to some of our favorite pictures from the gym and playgroup. The boys have loved trying new things and meeting other people!
The boys are very lucky to continue to have a steady stream of visitors as well, including their Aunt Kaitlyn, Nana and Grandpa, and Chris and Holly.
Finally, some of our favorite pictures from the last month!
Out to dinner