Haircuts, Apple Picking, Halloween, and More!

The boys are 16 months now!  They are completely off all bottles, have more teeth than we can count, and can say a few words.  Both can say "Mama" and "Dada", but Clark can also say "apple" and "no."  Though they aren't talking much, they are using sign language to get across their points.  They can both sign "more,"  "milk,"  and "food."  And of course, both are really good at shaking their heads "no!"  They can also point out different body parts (eyes, ears, nose, belly).  In terms of food, they are eating 3 meals a day and 1 snack.  Sleep wise, they are now down to 1 nap a day.

Current likes:  hugging each other, dada, giving high fives, food (pizza, fruit, salmon), puzzles, slides, swings, climbing, whatever their brother is currently playing with. hugging each other.  Current dislikes:  sharing toys, diaper changes, putting on clothes, strangers.

A little late, but here is a link to a gallery of the professional photos from the boys' first birthday.  

The boys got their first haircuts about 2 months ago.  They had a lot of fun sweeping the floor at the salon, but were skeptical of the haircut itself.  


When Nana and Grandpa visited last, we took the boys apple picking.  They had a ton of fun, and loved eating all of the apples they could get their hands on!


The boys were Ninja Turtles for halloween this year.  They had a fun time playing the part, and eating pizza true turtle style.

One of the most amazing things to watch as they get older is their interactions with each other.  Though they fight a ton, they are really into hugging each other these days which is very cute!

Here are some of our favorite pictures from the last couple of months!

Happy Halloween everyone!