The boys are 14 weeks old! They continue to smile and have started giggling as well. Both of them have also rolled over from their stomach to their back a couple of times each! They love the truck on the wall near the changing table, their toy frogs and Curious George, reading, and their activity mat. Neither of them like their feeding to be interrupted while waiting for the other one to be burped.
Oliver and his frog
The boys have had a busy week! They had visits from both Rucha and Mini, and loved both of them!
Rucha with the boys
Mini with Clark
Our friends Chris and Holly also got married this weekend with an absolutely beautiful wedding ceremony (congrats you two!). We had the chance to attend their wedding as a whole family, making it the boys' first wedding. Holly's nephew Sam is about the same age as the boys and did great during the ceremony as well!
The beautiful bride
Just married!