Early weeks continued

The boys continue to mainly eat and sleep, with minimal other activity.  We are able to catch them alert on occasion though, at which point we have been talking or reading to them which they seem to enjoy.

Dad reading to Clark

Dad reading to Clark



The boys do not yet realize that the other one exists, but they are still really cute to take pictures of together:

Left - Oliver, Right - Clark

Left - Oliver, Right - Clark

Unfortunately, Clark's weights have not been increasing as quickly as recommended, so we have had to start supplementing with pumped milk in addition to his feeds.  On the plus side, this gives Dad and Nani (Kinji's mom) a chance to get to feed Clark:

Dad feeding Clark

Dad feeding Clark


We have also been very lucky in that both sets of parents have been willing to stay and help us take care of the boys (and cook/clean for us!).  Today is Nani's (Kinji's mom) last day here with the boys, then Kevin's parents will take over from there.  The boys are lucky to have such loving grandparents!
